‘With an eye for people and a heart for the cultural cause, I am committed to a professional and healthy arts and culture sector’

Jacqueline Stolmeijer-Arends


Founder of Zakelijkheid in Cultuur Jacqueline Stolmeijer-Arends LLM MBA BA (she/her) successfully completed a two-year Executive MBA at Nyenrode Business University in 2020 and holds a Bachelor in Art History (2011) and a Master in International Business Transactions & Law (2006). Jacqueline has also followed education and courses in governance, strategy and leadership at De Baak, Governance University, Tias Business School, Nyenrode Business University and Utrecht University (LinC3).

In 2018 Jacqueline started Platform Governance in Cultuur in collaboration with Marceline Loudon. Jacqueline is also core member Governance Longterm Policyplan Arts and Culture 2025-2028 for the municipality of The Hague, advisor for the Raad voor Cultuur (Commissie BIS2021-2024, monitoring BIS 2017-2020 and Visitatiekader Rijksgesubsidieerde musea), (co)-author of various articles on governance in culture De kracht van het bestuur-model, Governance in cultuur in tijden van crisis, #HoeDan? en Spotlight op de governance code cultuur 2019), chair of the board of Stichting COR and member of The Midfield and Vereniging Kunst Cultuur Recht. Jacqueline was board member at Stichting SETUP, Stichting Urban Myth and the NVTC. From 2011 to 2018 Jacqueline worked at Het Nieuwe Instituut (and legal predecessor Premsela, Dutch Institute for Design and Fashion) where she gained knowledge and experience in the field of governance, policy, strategy, finance and business operations on both operational and management and supervisory level.